Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Blonde Philosopher Goes to the Market... Again...

I was the open minded recipient of many decent anecdotes and antidotes for my banana dilemma. A friend suggested I might make banana bread. Several others remarked that it is not necessary to purchase all six bananas; it is perfectly legal to break off bananas from the greater bunch.

Today, during my escapade to the market, I strolled down the fruits and vegetables aisle. I saw a plethora of luscious leafy greens with questionable labels assorted above the display. Boston Lettuce? Is it imported from Boston? I have never heard of such a lettuce species. I am not even going to attempt to discover the mystery of how Iceberg Lettuce got its appelation. It does not resemble an iceberg, nor is it scientifically possible to harvest such a vegetable in the kind of climate that fosters icebergs. In any event, I shall ponder the lettuce mystery another day....

Excitedly, I thought I might go ahead and purchase some bananas with the recent knowledge that I am in fact not committing a moral wrong doing by breaking off bananas from the remainder of the bunch. I was shocked and dismayed to find when I reached the mountain of fruit, not one bunch of bananas looked edible in the least. They were all a sickly shade of pale yellow, in a jaundice sort of way.

What does this mean? The banana metaphor continues to imprison my thoughts in the little chambers of contemplation.

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